Monthly Archives: February 2016

How to evenly space divs with gaps in the same row using CSS.

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Evenly spacing out <div>s in a row with spaces can appear to be tricky but is actually pretty simple to do. When I first learned CSS, I used to add margins to each box or <div> on each side to create the spaces, calculating the appropriate percentage amounts for widths and margins. That was prior to using the box-sizing: border-box; CSS declaration. By using box-sizing: border-box; declaration, the margin and padding amounts are calculated for you automatically.

By using the method below, you can easily specify the width of each container in each row, without having to use margins to place gaps in between each <div>. Instead of margins, padding is used instead to create the illusion of gaps. This is accomplished by using no background (or transparent) on the parent element.


.box { float: left; padding: 0 8px; width: 25%; height: 400px; text-align: center; box-sizing: border-box; } .box > div { background-color: #aaa; height: 100%; line-height: 400px; font-size: 2rem; font-weight: bold; }


<div class="box"> <div>Box 1</div> </div> <div class="box"> <div>Box 2</div> </div> <div class="box"> <div>Box 3</div> </div> <div class="box"> <div>Box 4</div> </div>

The amount of padding to add to each parent element (class=”box”) can vary, but 8px appears to be a good number, since that would calculate to 16 pixels in between each box.. The children elements of each <div> with a class of “box”, should have a background color declared.

Evenly spaced DIV's - CSS

How to Clone a Master Branch – GitHub for Windows

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First you will need to install GitHub for Windows by using the following URL ->

After installing, in the event the application does not launch properly (or at all) when clicking on Clone in Desktop button, use Option Two below:

Option One

Go to the website and click “Clone in Desktop” as shown below.

clone in desktop

You should see the following window:

Follow the prompts to clone the main repository in a local folder.

Option Two

If Clone in Desktop fails to launch the application, you can do the following. Drag the “GitHub, Inc. (US)” padlock icon from upper left hand corner of your browser into the application in Windows.

Github for Windows

Follow the prompts in the application to clone your respository.

Option Three

In the application, click on the plus sign icon in the upper left hand corner, and select Clone.

Clone in Github

HTML element jumping when using jQuery UI sortable

Element jumps when using jQuery UI Sortable

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If your website is using jQuery UI Sortable, you may experience a jumping effect when you begin to drag containers or box elements. Some solutions suggest using the jQuery Draggable Widget cursorAt: option, however, this did not prevent the elements from jumping.

While dragging, as shown in the image below, you will see that the cursor (crosshairs) jumps to a location that is about 150 pixels higher than the element that is being dragged, which is a result of the jump.

jumping HTML elements when using jQuery UI Sortable

Below is the initial HTML and jQuery:


<div id="sortable"> <div>Box one<div> <div>Box two<div> <div>


   cursor: "move",


This may be the result of padding or a margin applied to the parent element. In this example, there was a negative margin of -7.5px that assigned to the parent element by an external css file named module-layout.min.css.


The solution was to override the negative margin and set to zero. As a result the elements no longer jumped and the dragging effect was much smoother.